It won’t be too long until Beyond Addiction is available! We’re working on edits now, which mean ARCs will be going out, too. (I don’t have an exact timeline on this, but within a few weeks, most likely. A few notes about ARCs this time:
- We’ll be making the book available on Netgalley for a brief time. If that is your preferred way to receive books, sign up below and we’ll send you a link when the listing is live.
- If you don’t belong to our Reviewer List yet but have still found your way to this post, consider subscribing! It’s the easiest way to be sure you know when ARCs are available.
- We don’t have a release date for this book, because we’re trying an experiment where we just post the book when it’s ready with no advance fanfare. If you’re a blogger or reviewer and want to know when the book has been uploaded, we’ll be sending out a one time heads-up to people who sign up here.
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