The Mercenary Librarians series (also sometimes known as The Silver Devils series) is a series being published by Tor Publishing! Set after futuristic solar flares, it takes place in the southeast United States, following a trio of post-apocalyptic mercenary librarians who join forces with a squad of elite super-soldiers to chase a treasure…and maybe change the world.
It is currently complete at three novels, though we may revisit the community in the future to tell more stories!
While this series is set in the same world as Beyond and Gideon’s Riders, they have very little overlap with only a few easter eggs for fans. You can easily read this before or after the other series.
Kind of like if someone hired Dystopian Captain America to kidnap Post-Apocalyptic Wonder Woman, and then they fell in love and turned their respective found families into the Justice Avengers. Also they bang in a thunderstorm.
Length: Novel
Themes: Badass Power Couple, Brotherhood of Badasses, Clones Clones Clones!, Cranky Bastard Hero, Cranky Loner Learns About Friends, Female Friendships, Forbidden Romance, Found Family, Genetic Engineering, Mercenary Librarians, Reluctant Leader, She Can Kick Your Ass, Someone Melt That Dude's Icy Heart, Super-Soldiers, Tragic Backstory (Hero), Tragic Backstory (Heroine)
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A super intense slow-burn romance between a woman who can't forget and a burned out sniper who wishes he couldn't remember. Also this one has all the metadata jokes, librarians.
Length: Novel
Themes: Brotherhood of Badasses, Cranky Bastard Hero, Cranky Loner Learns About Friends, Female Friendships, Found Family, Genetic Engineering, May/December, Mercenary Librarians, Mysterious Super Powers, Sniper (Hero), Someone Melt That Dude's Icy Heart, Super-Soldiers, Tragic Backstory (Heroine), Wary Scratchy Heroine
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Enemies to lovers explosive sexy romance between a charming sunshine supersoldier who can't stop loving his favorite grumpy ex-assassin. And then they go undercover together, fake dating style, to save the world.
Length: Novel
Themes: Assassin (Heroine), Brotherhood of Badasses, Cranky Loner Learns About Friends, Female Friendships, Found Family, Genetic Engineering, Hate Fuck Me, Mercenary Librarians, Mysterious Super Powers, Possessive Heroine, Secret Affair, Secret Agent Spy, She Can Kick Your Ass, Super-Soldiers, Tragic Backstory (Hero), Tragic Backstory (Heroine), Wary Scratchy Heroine, We Might All Be Dead Tomorrow
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