Whew, y’all.
160+ orders and 697 books later, we are closing in on the end of this round of the Virtual Signing. I’m going to keep it open for a couple more weeks and do a second mail out in August to catch those of you waiting for paychecks, but the BIG BIG one for everyone who has ordered books thus far is happening on Sunday. (Books ordered from here on out will be shipped on August 15th at the latest.)
I am blown away, honestly. A little nervous about signing close to 700 books, but way more excited. The first year we had 96. Last year we had close to 250. Jumping to 700 this year has been a bit of a logistical adventure (plus the UPS guy really, really hates me…do you know how heavy 700 trade paperback books are?!) but I am just… there are no words, y’all. Thank you for reading, for buying, and for being O’Kanes. #okane4life
Here’s a taste of what my office looks like this morning: